Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ugly Dog Contest??

Dogs are like babies, there are no ugly dogs or babies.  Or so I thought until I looked at some of the pictures from the Ugly Dog Contest.  Follow this link and see for yourself.  

Most are cute little puppies with interesting characteristics but there are some that have made me think twice about my opening statement.

We have two dogs in our family, Max and Gus.  At this time, Max, a black miniature schnauzer is 7 years old. Gus, who is a grey and white Llasapoo is 1.  Along with getting older, Max has become like a grumpy old man.  He'll play but only when he decides it's time. Which drives Gus crazy because he wants to play all of the time.

Max does like to cuddle though and he is always a good boy.  He was easy to train and does just what he is supposed to do.  I'm not sure if all schnauzers are like that but I am so glad that Max is.  We have never had to put him in a crate while at we are at work, I think he just sleeps all day and barks like crazy anytime he hears a noise.

Gus on the other hand, is a chewer.  If we leave him alone for even a few minutes, he will find something to chew.  His favorite is pens.  It's like he is addicted, he hunts for them and then chews just enough so they aren't usable anymore.  Is there a doggie support group for that. 

I love my guys and wouldn't change a single thing about their quirky personalities.  They give me hugs and kisses when I am having a bad day and they constantly make me laugh.  We are so lucky to have them as part of our family and they are way, way too cute to go anywhere near the Ugly Dog Contest!

Live well, Laugh often, Love Much!

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