Sunday, July 11, 2010


Everyone has heard the expression that the only thing that stays the same is something is always changing.  Well, I have been lucky at work and the changes that have occurred were never really earth shattering so I could handle them easily.  Recently though there was a change in the service department management and while the old guy is a very good friend of mine, I have to adapt to someone new being in the role.

You should know that I am a total control freak.  I like to be involved and know what is going on.  I can be a team player and don't have a problem with that but my big thing is being informed and involved.  And I have always held true to...if you want it done right, do it yourself.  That hasn't always worked out for me and at times, left him overwhelm, stressed and definitely feeling unappreciated.

And now there is a new person, who doesn't know that I am one of the 'Crane Divas' and I was fearful.  Fearful that our work styles would clash, fearful that I would be let go if our work styles clashed.  Fear was in every bone in my body for the last week.  Things are so slow at work that we have high dollar, trained crane technicians sweeping the floor.  And I feel responsible because it is my job to bring in service work and there just doesn't seem to be any out there.  Although it was alluded to on Friday that it has to be out there, we just aren't finding it.

I have a counterpart at work, a guy that does the same thing I do only he has experience working on the machines.  We have had conversations about the changes and each of us had our own set of feelings on dealing with them.  We work well together and haven't ever had any problems so when we were asked to attend a meeting with the service management team, we were both a bit pessimistic.

However, glory hallelujah, the change is one for the better.  This guy is a team player, he thrives on communication and keeping people informed.  He's organized and is most concerned about giving the customer what they want at a fair price while continuing to make money for the company.  What a relief! 

Now if we only had some work to do so we can put that into place it would be wonderful! 

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th

If you have watched the news lately you know that the weather in Texas has been wet, to say the least.  Since we couldn't predict what was going to happen we decided not to make plans and just kick back at home.

We made ribs on the grill (which were awesome), fried some onion rings (which I have been craving and were also awesome) and then had some corn and salad (ho-hum).  Anyway, the food isn't what's on my mind. 

We flipped on the television and started to watch the July 4th programming.  There were choices to be made, 'Freedom over Texas', 'Boston Pops' or 'A Capital 4th'.  With the remote in his hand, Charlie switched back and forth between them whenever there was a commercial on. 

At Freedom Over Texas, we had two bands; first Little Big Town or something like that and Pat Green.  Neither one of them, for the two hours total that they performed sang one patriotic song.  Not one.  Come on, it is after all the reason that you are there...hello the 4th of July.  When we switched to the Boston Pops, there was Toby Keith singing 'American Soldier' and what do you know, not a dry eye in the house.  They even had a sing along with 5 or 6 Patriotic classics including 'You're a Grand Ole Flag' and 'I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy'.  Everyone there (and here) was singing right along.

In Washington, we didn't get to see any entertainment.  I hope they at least got it right and remembered why they were there.  We did see the fireworks though and they were spectacular.  And the music was appropriate that went along with them.

As for the fireworks in Houston, well that also left alot to be desired.  It started out with pop music, again having nothing to do with patriotism or freedom and then slowly went into that music.  The pyrotechnics were good but didn't last long which was probably good considering everyone there had to stand because the ground was too muddy to sit.

I absolutely loved the one in Boston.  With the Boston Pops playing in the background, one pop after another, it was grand.  I wish we would have recorded it so I could see it again.  When the kids were younger, instead of getting the out in all of the craziness that the 4th of July brings and by that I mean drunkenness by careless people, we would stay home and watch the fireworks on TV.  Then I always recorded because they wanted to see it over and over.  Somehow I had forgotten about that.

I hope you had a safe and happy 4th and that you remembered all the reasons that we are able to celebrate.
And hopefully will be able to continue to celebrate our nation's freedom forever.

Live, Laugh, Love